The Tenth Amendment- State Rights

The United States Constitution, The Bill of Rights, The Tenth Amendment
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
Archibold, Randal. "Arizona Enacts Stringent Law on Immigration." New York Times. 23 Apr. 2010. Web. 18 May 2010.

Unlike the others though the Tenth Amendment is about Federalism and how information not specified by the constitution is up to the state and the people. This is important because it allows for some sort of freedom as a opposed to one government that is in charge of all and controls all aspects of said society. This was an important point that the founding fathers tried to emphasize and is important because not only is it democratic it is independent. The Tenth Amendment is important because in the Bill of Rights where mostly all are about the rights of the people the Tenth Amendment brings something new that does relate to rights of the accused.

The article is about a recent legislation passed in Arizona that is the topic of many debates and it is about an immigration law which would require citizens to have legal documentation at all times and allow for police officers to serve as immigration officers, the name of this legislation is SB 1070. Although alot of speculation surrounded this subject it was passed in April 23, 2010 and is said to be put into action at the start of August. According to the Arizona Ms. Brewer who said that laws like the ones stated above are important because they help regulate immigration, because immigration is illegal and should be stopped and if the Federal Government will not it is the job of the State Government and People to try to do something. This shows that the constitution is living because the founding fathers belived that there should be a certain level of independence that states have and they should have the right to excersice their power.

Well seeing as how I have already expressed my views of immigration I shall talk about how I feel specifically just about the law. Well I think that the law is ridiculous but no matter how ridiculous is it can be passed becaue the states have the right to make legislation for what the Federal Government has not. I do not believe in this law because it tends to fall toward racial profiling and that is unethical and immoral because that means that all people would have to carry something extra that they should not because of the immigration dilenma that has engulfed the nation.

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